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Tuesday 21 February 2012

More of my thoughts..

I've been bitten by several mosquito's - its not nice sleeping with one let alone 2 within my netted bed.  

I hope by April I will be immune to their bites (I'm trying to view their bites as 'bites of love') ergo my skin will not swell up like the skin of a dodgy orange.  I have the strength not to scratch them most of the time.  

I think, I should use the US Army issued 3M anti-mosquito lotion the one Ray Mears endorses - that I collected from Park Royal - one dark and dank evening on my motorbike before I left Blighty....


  1. Kim - Not sure if this would help, but I've heard eating garlic regularly is very effective against mosquito bites. I tried it one summer and it seemed to help a little - but I get raided by them too, no matter where I am :P

    I've also heard that slapping them away makes them compelled to come back and feast in droves - I guess it's better to just brush them off lightly? It's an old wives tale but there might be some truth to it

    Anyways what a neat topic for your blog :] Glad your adventure is going well, best of luck to you and looking forward to hearing more

  2. The best thing to take is vitamin B2 the female bitting mosquito wont like you.
    wish you all the best hope you are having a nice time in your safari.
